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Used by the routines at PR_ITEM_1 and S_2_COORD.
There is a series of short subroutines that are used to fetch the result of evaluating the next expression. The result from a single expression is returned as a 'last value' on the calculator stack.
This entry point is used when CH-ADD needs updating to point to the start of the first expression.
NEXT_2NUM 1C79 RST $20 Advance CH-ADD.
This entry point is used by the routine at CLASS_09.
The address of this entry point is derived from an offset found in the command class table.
This entry point allows for two numeric expressions, separated by a comma, to be evaluated.
CLASS_08 1C7A CALL CLASS_06 Evaluate each expression in turn - so evaluate the first.
1C7D CP "," Give an error report if the separator is not a comma.
1C81 RST $20 Advance CH-ADD.
This entry point is used by the routines at SAVE_ETC, LIST, FETCH_NUM, FOR, PR_ITEM_1, STR_ALTER, CO_TEMP_1, CIRCLE, DRAW and INT_EXP1.
The address of this entry point is derived from an offset found in the command class table.
This entry point allows for a single numeric expression to be evaluated.
CLASS_06 1C82 CALL SCANNING Evaluate the next expression.
1C85 BIT 6,(IY+$01) Return as long as the result was numeric (bit 6 of FLAGS set); otherwise it is an error.
Report C - Nonsense in BASIC.
REPORT_C 1C8A RST $08 Call the error handling routine.
This entry point is used by the routine at SAVE_ETC.
The address of this entry point is derived from an offset found in the command class table.
This entry point allows for a single string expression to be evaluated.
CLASS_0A 1C8C CALL SCANNING Evaluate the next expression.
1C8F BIT 6,(IY+$01) This time return if the result indicates a string (bit 6 of FLAGS reset); otherwise give an error report.
1C93 RET Z
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